The SEO Report Your CEO Wants To See

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by Tess Voecks

Showing the return on investment (ROI) for your search engine optimization (SEO) campaign is more than updating your balance sheet.

Get Your Free SEO Reporting Dashboard

Reporting Is The Key To Winning Over Your CEO

Can you attribute revenue to traffic that converts customers? Does your business rank for your target high-level and long-tail keywords? Do people keep finding your content in Search? Let LSG SEO help you answer yes to these questions (which we know your boss will ask) with our reporting dashboards.

LSG SEO offers a FREE comprehensive, single-view SEO reporting dashboard that makes SEO reporting easy and uniform. With a couple of quick, secure connections to your data, you’ll make uncovering, sorting, and understanding your SEO data clear and actionable. Take the first step to make informed and strategic decisions about your SEO strategy, campaigns, and execution.

Effective reporting is your compass: guiding you towards understanding the impact of your efforts, and where next to focus your time. When you’re equipped with a comprehensive view of key metrics including keyword rankings, organic traffic, and share of voice, broken down by keyword and page type, justify your investments and identify areas for improvement.

So when your boss asks, “Is this SEO program working?” what will you say? Find your answers using our SEO reporting dashboard.

How To Create a Custom SEO Report

How to customize our SEO report with your site’s data:

1. Make sure that you are signed into an email that has access to your search console account(s).

2. Hit the three dots next to share (upper right corner) and click “Make a copy”.

3. A popup will appear that will ask you to choose a data source. At the bottom of the dropdown, choose “Create data source”.

4. Find the Search Console connector and select your site. If you have multiple sites connected to your email, you can access them all from the dashboard via the GSC data selector dropdown. The one you choose here will be the “default” site – this site’s data will load when the report is opened.

5. After you have selected your site, under “Tables”, choose “Url impression”. Then choose “web”. Then press “Connect”.

6. On the data source screen, press “Add to report”, then back on the “Copy this report” screen, click “Copy Report”.  You should be taken to a new, editable, version of the report.

How to add your brand terms to the branded filter:

1. Select the “Branded query filter” dropdown, and click the “ABC” next to the data source in the “Control field” section of the setup tab.

2. This should open a popup with a function that looks like this:
ELSE ‘Unbranded queries’

3. Add your brand terms where noted. If you have multiple brand terms, add them separated with a pipe ( | ) like this: lsg seo|local seo guide

4. Apply changes, and you have a working dashboard that is filterable by your branded terms!


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